Gorge Trailhead Passes
Not all sites in the Columbia Gorge require passes. Below are the three types of passes and where they are required.

View of Vista House on Crown Point taken from Women's Forum (photographer: Greg Lief)
Discover Pass (Washington)
In Washington, a Discover Pass is required at Washington State Parks, Washington State Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) lands, and Washington State Dept of Natural Resources (DNR) areas. An annual pass is $30 and can be shared between two cars. A single day pass is $10. Purchase a pass online.A Discover Pass is required at:
- Beacon Rock State Park
- Rowland Lake State Park (access to Catherine Creek/Coyote Wall trails)
- Doug’s Beach State Park
- Dalles Mountain Ranch State Park (on Dalles Mtn. Road)
- Columbia Hills State Park
The Discover Pass is sold at:
- Port of Camas-Washougal: 24 South A Street, Washougal, WA 98671
- Skamania General Store: On Hwy 14 (north side) just west of Beacon Rock
- North Bonneville Food Market: Turn south on Cascade; store is in the gas station
- Main Street Convenience Store: On Hwy 14 (north side) near west end of town
- Bridgemart: On Hwy 14 (south side) just east of the Hood River bridge
NW Forest Pass
The NW Forest Pass is issued by the US Forest Service as a day pass ($5) or annual pass ($30). It’s good in both Oregon and Washington but is not required at all USFS trailheads.In the Gorge it is required at:

- Bridge of the Gods, OR
- Dog Mountain, WA
- Eagle Creek, OR
- Gorton Creek, OR
- Herman Creek, OR
- Larch Mountain, OR
- North Bonneville, WA
- Sam’s Walker, WA
- Sandy River Delta, OR (January, 2020)
- St. Cloud, WA
- Wahclella Falls, OR
Just need a day pass?
In the Columbia Gorge where a NW Forest Pass is required, you can now purchase a $5 paper-free, smartphone-enabled pass. Rangers validate license plates online. Learn more.
Note: At age 62 and older, an America the Beautiful Senior Pass can be used instead. This $80 lifetime pass (or $20 for an annual pass) is honored nationwide at all Forest Service, National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, and US Fish & Wildlife Service sites charging entrance or standard amenity fees. Call Outdoor Recreation Information Center at 1-800-270-7504.
Oregon State Parks Pass
There are 21 Oregon State Parks in the Gorge and a few of them require a pass. You can purchase online a day pass for $5 or an annual pass for $30. These are available online, in person at Rooster Rock State Park, or by calling 800-551-6949.
The following trailheads or parks require an Oregon State Parks pass:
- Mark Hatfield Trailhead West in Hood River ($5 day-use fee, credit card)
- Mark Hatfield Trailhead East in Mosier ($5 day-use fee, cash or check)
- Rooster Rock ($5 day-use fee, credit card)
- Viento ($5 day-use fee, cash or check)